Orientation of houses determined partly by sun, partly by wind - Boys Primary School 建筑物的方向,部分由太阳决定,部分由风决定 - 男子小学,2023,On-site installation 在地搭建,200 x 120 x 40 cm;Ghost 幽灵 ,2023,Ceramic 陶瓷,30 x 30 x 55 cm


Originated from the deep introspection of the physical limitations of the body during the two years of stagnation due to the epidemic, "Wild Fruit" adopts the "What is it that gives shape to our physical bodies" as the starting point, which is a self-consciousness and reflection on the living situation of individual experience with three groups of works as follows.

Architectural sculpture: Orientation of houses determined partly by sun, partly by wind
Keywords: Metaphor, archetype of architecture.
Orientation of houses determined partly by sun, partly by wind, a statement made by the Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy in his book "Architecture for the Poor". The architectural sculpture is also my further presentation The Study of the New Gourna Village in 2017. For me, the metaphorical qualities of New Gourna may resonate with the current situation. The architectural space bears a unique metaphysical significance, that is, its ontogenetic relevance to the root of human existence (the body). During the construction, it also depicts in a spiritual way. The works will incorporate elements of public architecture, natural landscape, architectural texture, and musical features of New Gourna Village.

Ceramic Vessel: Ghost
Keywords: Ghosting, constructed body.
Stemmed from the performance fragment of the second act in the performance video "The White Cow": "Sorge", Ghost is a reflection on the philosophical concept mentioned by Heidegger. This in as a kind of existence in the world with three basic characteristics: Existence, reality, and sinking. The performer bends over, lands on three limbs, and spins around touching the ground. In conceiving this performance, I related it to the ancient form of a three-legged vessel. The living body is a vessel with a life force or a spirit, which is also subjected to social, political, and cultural constructs, like a ghosting, reshaping and solidifying item. The body, on the other hand, returns to the univocity and transparency of human history.

Performance Video: The Man in the Tree
Keywords: Mirror; landscape of gestures
The Man in the Trees is a literary image in the novel The Baron in the Trees by Italian writer Italo Calvino. As the author says: "… anyone who wants to see the earth properly must keep himself at a necessary distance from it", although living in a space of existence (the tree) that is detached from the mundane world, he will be awake to observe the existence of the group. The work will mainly consist of two parts of performance videos: The performance in front of the green screen and that in the trees. By referring to body gestures in situations such as daily life, virtual world, violent conflicts, and mythical legend, it highlights the abstract gestures landscapes to form a mirror image with the present world.

"Wild Fruit" continues and deepens the concerns in my past projects, e.g., architecture, vessel, gesture, as well as the integration and dispatch of polyphonic structures in multiple media. It further explores the literary and musical spatial narratives in the thematic compositions. The three sets of works interpenetrate (both internal and external) may provide an open discursive field that brings the viewer back to the project concept by reflecting on and facing their own existential situation in a sober and thorough manner.

Manuscripts of Wild Fruit 野果项目创作手稿,2022











