The Man Who Practices Bird Language 2023-2024
The Study of New Gourna Village 2017-2019
The Boundary of Porcelain 2020
On-site Performance of 16 Vessels at Bank/Mabsociety 十六个器皿 Bank/Mabsociety 现场表演,2019,Photography by Sophia LIU
Performance Director: LIU Yanan; Performers: WANG Shaojun, Even WONG, LIU Haojia 表演指导:刘亚囡;表演者:王少筠、王一问、刘昊佳
16 Vessels
“The social logic of consumption, is not a logic of individual possession of the value-in-use of goods and services... nor a logic of gratification. It is a logic of production and a logic of domination of social signifier.”
—— Jean Baudrillard (Consumer Society: 1970)
Through the installation of ancient pottery, “16 vessels” guides the viewer back to the "object" itself. Combined with on-site performance, it attempts to gain some insight into the living conditions of the human being under the contemporary social exchange structure. It is also associated with the artist's ongoing project “the order”.
The "object" here, like the "object" in historical materialism, is not the substantial object, but precisely the actual economic relation that exist objectively. It tends to incorporate social development into a certain order and to eliminate contradictions in a tautologically iterative logic. Under this order, each group or individual can only put themselves into it to achieve their own socialization. We, the people, as the subject of thinking in the economic field of view, is reflected, simplified and abstracted by economics.
16 Vessels 十六个器皿,2019,陶瓷 Ceramic,20 × 50 × 20 cm × 8;30 × 30 × 30cm × 4;28 × 28 × 10cm × 4,Courtesy of Bank/Mabsociety
“消费的社会逻辑,根本不是一种个体占用商品和服务的使用价值的逻辑... 它也不是一种关于满足的逻辑。它是一种生产和对社会能指进行操纵的逻辑。” —— 让·鲍德里亚(消费社会:1970)