Artists:Chen Wei 陈伟, Benjamin Horns, Alex Ito, Ann Veronica Janssens, SUPERFLEX, Sydney Shen, Diana Thater, Pae White, Xia Tao 夏弢
Duration:2019.07.13 - 08.30
Venue:A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间
拱门 Arch,2019,在地搭建 On-site installation,尺寸可变 Dimensions variable,Courtesy of A+ Contemporary
Wormwood series 苦艾草系列,2018-2019,Pencil on paper 纸上铅笔,55.5 x 40.5 cm (with framing 含框),Courtesy of A+ Contemporary
Wormwood 2019.01.11 苦艾草 2019.01.11,2019,Pencil on paper 纸上铅笔,53 × 38 cm
The Sleeper 2019.06.18-1 酣睡项目 2019.06.18-1,2019,Single channel video, color, sound 单频彩色有声影像,12'41'',Photographer: Yang Fan 杨帆,Courtesy of A+ Contemporary